Tendon Pain

Just as it starts to warm up, we tend to see a wave of patients through the clinic with lower limb issues. They’ve dusted off the running (or walking) shoes with all good intentions but unfortunately, gone a little too hard, too soon.
Lower limb tendon injuries can take you out of action for a number of weeks. The infographic below is a great resource for patients suffering with gluteal, patella, achilles or tibalis posterior tendon pain.
As a general rule of thumb, if the tendon pain is persisting and bothering you more than just a dull ache, your activity levels need to be adjusted. We talk about looking at overall load through the day and week. Your physiotherapist should be on hand if you need help adjusting your load appropriately to manage your tendon pain, they can plan out your activity levels over the course of weeks to months to help achieve your desired level of exercise.
It is generally not advised to rest completely. If you can continue some of your activity, despite minor discomfort, then this is OK. If we take away all activity, the muscle and tendon tend to weaken further, taking you further away from your goal.
Try to avoid the temptation to stretch the tendon. If you need help with mobility, it is best to see your physio who can guide you in the right direction and prescribe home exercises for the tightness you experience around the tendon.
If you have noticed some niggles around your hips/knees or ankles when getting back into activity or increasing your running load, get in touch with one of our physiotherapists at Ergoworks today!